When moving to a new location, far away or close by, the experience can make for a difficult transition. You have all the stress of trying to sell your old house, the impact of the move ways heavily on you as you consider your family or loved ones, and the time spent managing your move. It’s no wonder the percentage of movers nation wide is down. Moving is hard!
The following tips can help make the transition into your new life, new home, possibly new city, an easier one.
It’s essential to have a plan, complete with a comprehensive checklist, in order to help make the shift a success.
Familiarize yourself with both local and national long distance movers. Early on, determine what your options are regarding methods of moving and storing your goods. It will be in your best interest to understand which packing and shipping methods are right for you. Understand the costs involved with various forms of moving. To figure out the costs associated with a long distance move, use an online calculator. If you plan to use a long distance moving company, be sure to discuss all costs up front so there are no surprises later.
Moving pods are practical when you want to pack at your own pace. Pods can be delivered to your current location to be filled at your convenience. Once full, pods can be stored until further use, or can be shipped to your new destination.
Moving vans and trucks are practical when you have filled your boxes or portable storage containers and are ready to load and transport them. You may find it easier and more convenient to hire a moving company to pack, load and deliver your goods, though you might prefer to do the work yourself.
Keep a thorough inventory of the goods and furniture that are moving. It will not only give you peace of mind as you pack but it will also make your life easier when it comes time to store in pods or unpack.
Some helpful moving tips include packing a “survival box” containing all of your Day One essentials. This box may include a coffee pot, basic utensils, cellphone chargers, pillows and a change of clothes. Also, if you plan to use self storage be sure to load those boxes or items into the truck or pods last so they can be removed easily. The same applies to your survival box.
Once your belongings have arrived at your new location take a moment to congratulate yourself on a job well done. Now, get ready to start the next phase in your life!