Moving can be an exciting experience for many Americans. Whether an individual moves down the street or across the country, he or she will no doubt experience the thrill of new beginnings, the joy of a fresh start in a new house or apartment in an unfamiliar location. Furthermore, many individuals who harbor fantasies about second careers as interior decorators enjoy the moving experience because it offers them an opportunity to experiment with the arrangement of their furniture, curtains, paintings, and other decorative items which transform a house into a home.
However, in spite of these thrills which accompany their move, many individuals dislike the frustrating logistical and practical dilemmas which are part and parcel of the moving experience. For example, how can a mover fit all of his furniture into his station wagon? (This difficulty becomes all but unbearable if the mover is an interstate mover.) How can an individual who embarks upon a week long drive across the country safely store all of his or her valuable possessions in a car that he or she will leave parked in shady motel parking lots? (It is plausible that large piles of boxes stored in plain sight will attract thieves who will do not think twice before breaking into the car.) Consequently, many individuals who plan interstate moving excursions hire a moving company to transport their belongings to their new home on the other side of the country. Because a typical moving company owns large moving trucks, many individuals believe that a moving company can transport their possessions more effectively than the individuals themselves. Furthermore, many individuals believe that a moving company can protect their valuables more effectively than they can, partly because thieves shy away from robbing from a moving company that they suspect will track down and prosecute them. Finally, when the movers and the moving company reach the final destination, the moving company often helps the mover to unload and arrange his furniture and other belongings. However, although many individuals find that a moving company offers them great peace of mind, they also find that it is more expensive to hire a moving company than it is to transport their belongings themselves.