A beautiful front lawn is like a house’s first impression. While a strong interior design or fancifully decorated backyard can lend a lot to a home’s ROI, it certainly isn’t what’s first spotted on the street or sidewalk! As such, Americans spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars every year to spruce up their lawn and leave it glowing and decadent all days of the year. However, not many know there are affordable, efficient and green ways of doing routine lawn care. Organic lawn care is the eco friendly trend that is sweeping the nation, increasingly popular for its lack of harmful chemicals and brilliant results. Let’s take a look at organic lawn care, also known as dog friendly lawn care, and why you should hop on board!
Why Is A Good Yard Important?
Your yard is where you host parties, garden and relax throughout the week. It’s almost like a second home! A survey conducted by the Harris Poll for the National Association of Landscape Professionals, with over 2,000 adult participants, saw a whopping 75% of Americans feeling it’s important to spend time outside in their yard. Yet another study saw 83% of Americans saying a yard was important to keep well-maintained throughout the year. No wonder organic lawn care has become so popular! Your home is your castle and, as such, it makes sense to keep it sparkling and reflective of your passion and interests year-round. Natural lawn care is simply one of many effective ways to achieve this ongoing dream!
How Can It Affect My House?
Environmentally friendly lawn care is a significant boon, due in no small part to its plethora of benefits all across the board. If you’ve considered selling your home, sprucing up your lawn can yield a significant return on your ROI. Landscaping has been found to raise the property value of a home by as much as 12%, as well as bump up resale value by nearly 15% on average. Over 90% of real estate agents recommend landscaping as their top five home renovations for those looking to see a strong return on their investment, with some estimates reaching over 200%. Not bad! A study saw over 60% of its respondents saying they would pay more for a home if it already had a good yard or garden available.
What Are Common Lawn Care Issues?
In a rapidly advancing society, it’s easy to forget that less truly is more! Many homeowners have issues with old-fashioned methods of lawn care due to their harmful chemicals and pricey investments. Organic lawn care is also called dog friendly lawn care for its emphasis on simple and natural treatment methods that are perfectly safe for your furry friends. Other issues include a lack of oversight concerning long-term maintenance, such as maintaining a healthy lawn during winter, when to trim and how much you should be spending in the long run. While you can spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars in maintenance, you’ll make that money back in spades.
How Can I Maintain My Lawn?
Organic lawn care is the go-to option for homeowners around the country for its proven safe and effective methods of cultivating a smooth and healthy green year-round. Some weed and pest controls have been proven to cause cancer in humans and animals alike, so seek out products that circumvent nasty pesticides and chemicals in favor of more organic approaches. Basic habits, like not watering your lawn under the hot sun (the moisture just evaporates!) and avoiding walking on grass during cold mornings (grass stalks become brittle and breakable with frost) will go a long way in keeping your lawn healthy. Next time you’re considering a homeowning project, look no further than organic lawn care!