Not sure when to call a plumber? If you have to ask, you probably need to do it! Whether it’s commercial AC repair or a clogged sink that needs fixing, a plumber can address the many functions your home needs to stay in tip-top shape. An emergency plumber, in particular, can be called when you have a serious problem that needs addressing as soon as possible. Below is a simple list on all the services your local plumber can offer you, from analyzing your air-conditioning unit to fixing problematic leaks.
Common Signs Of A Problem
If your energy bill is too high or you’re struggling to get hot water in your tub for more than a few minutes, that could be a sign of a deeper problem. It’s been found 25% of your home’s heat is lost through small cracks and unseen holes, with improper equipment installation decreasing your home’s heating and cooling efficiency by a significant margin. Two-thirds of all homes in America have air conditioners, which is nothing to say of additional technology like water heating and electricity. Lastly, exercise caution if you hear your appliances making strange noises — turn it off and avoid putting any more strain on it!
History Of Air Conditioning
Where would we be without air conditioning? With the size of the United States your local weather can range from blisteringly hot to freezing cold, so it’s small wonder you’d have a hard time finding a house without this accommodation. Heating and cooling adds up to over 50% energy use in the average American home, easily the highest expense outside of water and electricity. The first American president to enjoy an air-conditioned Oval Office was Herbert Hoover, who had spent well over $30,000 on the system mere months after the stock market crashed. A basic window air-conditioning unit in the 1940’s cost a whopping $350 — in today’s money, that would be over $3,000! Thankfully, technology has advanced significantly since then and you can get energy that’s more affordable and eco-friendly than ever before.
Heating And Cooling
A terror for anyone’s energy bill! Thermostats are a must-have if you want to curb your energy costs and reduce waste. For example, for every two degrees you lower your thermostat you can save at least 5% on your heating costs. They can even be adjusted to turn lower themselves or turn off entirely when you sleep! A technician can inspect your heating and cooling technology for less than $100, cleaning it and pinpointing potential problems that could be sucking up your hard-earned cash.
Green Technology
It’s never been a better time to go green. From solar panels to conscientious, state-of-the-art thermostats, a little effort goes a long way in saving everyday people money and protecting the environment at large. Manufacturing companies all across the country are making the active switch from old standard refrigerants to newer models — removing chlorine from air conditioning makes them more ozone friendly, after all! If you’re concerned about your options, simply ask your local plumber or electrician.
Contacting A Plumber
When the average American spend hundreds of dollars in excess money every year from faulty equipment or leaks and cracks, it’s time to give your house a makeover. Everything from low water pressure to furnace repair can be done by your local professional, saving you hundreds of dollars per month without sacrificing comfort or environmental integrity. There are little habits you can do in the day-to-day, as well, such as keeping an eye on your thermostat and cleaning dust and debris from your air-conditioning unit to avoid clogging. What home renovation project are you thinking of doing today?