It was a busy Easter weekend. With two full days of beautiful weather, your husband decided to tackle the raised garden project that your youngest daughter had requested. Located in the back corner of your lot, the raised garden was an affordable solution to what had been an expensive eye sore.
After paying a local company nearly $600 to take down a dying bend wood willow tree, your husband thought that he would remove the stump himself. Nearly two years later, however, the enormous ground level stump was still there and did not seem to be decaying at a very fast rate. The raised garden project was a great solution. Without using any chemicals on the stump, your husband was certain that the decaying remains of the enormous tree would serve as an eventual compost for the vegetable garden.
With weather on their side, both your daughter and husband were very productive. Your husband spent Saturday building the raised garden while your daughter mowed two lawns, yours and your neighbor’s. With no fence between the two lawns, the two yard mowing project was pretty easy. And while you expected your daughter to mow your yard, the neighbor’s paid your daughter quite well to do their mowing in the early spring. They spent their summers in a second home in Arizona and simply wanted the mowing done once every week or so.
After returning from church on Easter Sunday your daughter was able to plant the seeds for her first ever garden. Your husband, on the other hand, was able to stay inside and rest as he knew that the lawn care was already completed.
Do You Pay Someone to Complete Your Lawn Care Services?
Many Americans lead busy lives. With demanding careers that often extend beyond the typical 40 hour work week, the task of taking care of lawns and gardens in the evenings and on weekends can be overwhelming. For many, the best way to solve this problem is to hire a lawn service company. Whether you are looking for a neighbor kid who simply mows lawns and leaves the trimming and edging to you, or you are looking for environmentally responsible lawn care, hiring someone can free up your time for relaxation on the weekends.
consider some of these facts and figures about today’s lawn care industry and trends:
- Knowing that their lawn and landscaping can add to the value of your home, most home owners feel that a lawn care service is a good investment.
- Estimates indicate that as part of a well-designed and maintained landscape, turfgrass increases a home?s property value by as much as 15% to 20%.
- Environmentally friendly lawn care choices are growing in popularity. Knowing, for instance, that 60-70 million birds die from pesticide poisoning each year in the US alone makes many people more aware of the chemicals that they use on their lawn.
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- Improving the health of your lawn is as simple as leaving your grass a little longer. Experts advice, for instance, keeping the grass in your yard between 2 1/2 and 31/2 inches long so you can improve your lawn’s health.
- Turfgrass helps control pollution by trapping much of an estimated 12 million tons of dust and dirt that is released annually into the U.S. atmosphere.
- Grass yards are the first signs of spring in many parts of the country. The home owners who spend the time and the money fertilizing in the fall, however, are often the home owners who are the first to have the greenest lawns.
- Realizing that you are able to have a great looking yard without doing all of the work yourself is a liberating feeling.
- Environmentally dangerous chemicals, although they make your yard green, are not always beneficial in the long run. Did you know, for instance, that 40% to 60% of nitrogen from fertilizer runs off or leaches away, and this chemical often ends up in ground or surface water, including wells?
- Experts say that a dense, healthy lawn prevents run-off, absorbing rainfall six times more effectively than a wheat field, and four times better than a hay field.
- Now is the time to start!
roviding enough moisture is an essential part of any lawn care maintenance program. Did you know, for instance, that grass plants are 75 to 80% water, by weight?