Aside from smoking, the leading cause of lung cancer is the presence of radon gas in the environment of the patient. About 20,000 cases of lung cancer every year are attributed to radon gas. The way to check if the levels of radon gas in your home are dangerous is through the conduct of reliable radon testing.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and the Surgeon General’s Office have estimated that as many as 20,000 lung cancer deaths are caused each year by radon. About one in 15 U.S. homes is estimated to have radon levels at or above the EPA action level. The U.S. EPA recommends taking action to reduce radon in homes that have a radon level at or above 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) of air.
Hiring radon abatement service companies can help a lot in ensuring that radon levels in your area are within the acceptable and safe limits as set by the U.S. EPA. The risk of lung cancer increases by 16% per every 100 Bq/m in long-term average radon concentration. Therefore, early detection through extensive inspection and radon mitigation and abatement services is the key to ensuring your family’s safety.
Radon gas is not a simple issue. It is dangerous if not taken care of early on, which can threaten your and your family’s health and life as well. Seeking the help of expert radon abatement service companies will make it possible for you to sleep with peace of mind.
When it comes to choosing your radon abatement service company, it is best to check on a number of considerations before finally hiring one. The license to do such inspection and services for your home should be verified initially. Without a proper license, you might end up paying for a service that will not be useful for keeping you safe from dangerous radon levels.
Checking on the radon abatement service company’s reviews in the past is also helpful. It does not hurt to do your own research before choosing a company to work on your home. At the end of the day, the most important thing is for you to know that you will achieve safety from the effects of dangerous radon levels by means of hiring the right professionals.
Radon testing is an important concern that everybody should take seriously. If you have not tested your home for radon gas yet, this might be the best time to do it.