Regardless if relocating to a different neighborhood in your city, or moving across the country, getting all your possessions to arrive safely and on time takes planning, energy, reliable movers and lots of patience. Proper planning is the key to a successful move. If you talk with professional movers, they will tell you to start planning at least a minimum of two months prior to the actual move date.
As you are planning your move, you have a multitude of decisions to make. One of the most important decisions is deciding if you want to do the move yourself or hire professional movers. Another option that sits somewhere between a do it yourself move and full service professional movers, is the portable storage containers. If you are looking for a way to cut costs, but do not have the experience to drive long distances in a huge moving van, the movers with the portable storage units may be your best option. They deliver the unit to your home; you pack your belongings and then load the unit in your spare time. Since you are the only one with a key, your items stay safe and ready for the move. The storage unit moving company picks up the unit and delivers it to your new residence or to a storage facility when you are ready for the move.
After deciding on the type of movers that fit your plan the best, then it is time to get rid of items you no longer use. Do not take anything with you that you do not need. Have a garage sale, give it away or take it to a thrift shop for someone else to use. The less you take, the less energy you use in packing and unpacking, and it could save you a few dollars from having to move it. Be sure to label all the boxes with the contents and the room it should go in. Settling down in your new home will go much easier when you know what each box holds and where it goes.
Selecting the type of movers that you want to use, and scheduling them in advance, can save you money. You also get a feeling of relief by scheduling the movers in advance. Download a movers checklist to help work out the sequence of events that need to take place and to get the moving organized and moving forward.