While everyone enjoys moving into a new home, getting there is always a pain. This is especially true for long distance movers. Aside from the sweaty, back breaking physical part of moving, there are a zillion other things to worry about. First of all, movers have to think about leaving one job, and starting a new one. Even without the stress and worry of making a major cross country move, changing jobs is one of the more stressful events in life. Then there is an amalgam of other issues, including paper work related to leaving your current residence and moving into new one. Perhaps you have children who are trying to cope with the emotions of leaving friends, and the apprehension of attending a new school. The list of worries related to moving seems without end. While it is impossible to avoid most of these things, the physical part of a move can be made a lot easier with pods.
When movers enlist the services of a moving company that offers pods, they are basically renting a transportable storage unit. Regardless of the number of pods needed for a particular move, the moving company will deliver them to the residence, where they will remain until the day of the move arrives. The length of time for which the pods are rented is up to the customer. Further, being able to keep the pods for a few days to several weeks, allows a customer to pack at his or her own pace. Perhaps the worst thing about the physical part of moving is the disorganization and clutter that is invitable. With pods, piles of disorganized, and potentially hazardous, clutter is virtually eliminated. Before the creation of pods, personal possessions were dug out of closets, attics, and basements, then packed in dozens of boxes piled wherever space permitted. And then they would sit there until the moving company came to load them. When using pods, personal possessions can be packed, loaded, and forgotten until they arrive at the new residence.
While the planning and logistics of a move will always be a nuisance, at least the physical burden can be lightened by using pods. Disorganization and clutter can make moving three to five times more stressful than the move has to be. As such, pods are the ideal solution for those who want to eliminate undue stress from their long distance moves.