The history of plumbing is a long one, longer even than many people actively realize, especially here in the United States. But, in fact, this is nothing more than the truth, as plumbing can be traced back to the year of 2500 B.C., though it was lost by many societies in the intervening years for quite some time. Now, of course, plumbing has become nothing less than a necessity in many places of this world, especially in places such as our own country, the United States. Just about every single home has a system of plumbing throughout it, and it is plumbing that lends us the many conveniences of modern life.
After all, plumbing allows us to easily use the bathroom indoors, an important feature, to say the least. It also allows us to easily bathe, both in bath tubs and showers alike. Running water from our sinks is another critical feature of any given plumbing system, and one that allows us to do everything from brushing our teeth to doing the dishes with incredible ease. Even our washing machines and dryers very frequently rely on the plumbing system at hand, taking so much of the work out of doing our laundry which – as any family with children, particularly multiple children, can attest to – can easily pile up.
But there are a number of things that must be avoided when using our plumbing systems, from clogged drains to the overuse of water. Leaky pipes are also prevalent and while they are certainly not always easily avoidable, regular servicing and plumbing repairs by professional plumbing services can help to stop them before they can cause too much damage, if any at all. Clogged drains too should be repaired as soon as they are noticed, as the repair of clogged drains too can help to keep any given system of plumbing from wasting too much water or becoming further damaged.
For even when problems like clogged drains and leaks are not present, the waste of water in the United States is something that everyone should be aware of. After all, it has been estimated that the average person living in the average home will use as many as 70 gallons of water over the course of just one single day. Even just taking a 20 minute shower can waste as many as 40 gallons of water, if not even more than that.
But much of the water usage in the typical household comes from the use of the toilet (or toilets), arguably one of the very most important aspects of plumbing. In fact, up to 30% (and no less than 25%, in the typical home) of water usage will come from the use of the toilet alone, something that cannot be underestimated. In the majority of all households, simply switching to a low flush toilet can make a considerable difference, as these low flush toilets that are now on the market flush less than one and a half gallons of water per each and every flush. Over the course of just one year, nearly $100 can be saved through the implementation of a low flus toilet alone.
Fixing minor problems such as clogged drains will also be hugely beneficial, as these clogged drains can lead to sewer overflows if they are not dealt with as promptly as they should be. In fact, clogged drains that have been caused by a build up of things like fat and oil (as well as other forms of grease) lead to as many as 36,000 sewer overflows over the course of just one year here in the United States alone. So while clogged drains might seem like a relatively minor thing, they can actually end up having quite considerable consequences if they are left unchecked and unresolved for any considerable period of time.
At the end of the day, your plumbing system is a hugely important one, a system that cannot be underestimated in any way, shape, or form here and in all places all throughout the United States.