One of the most demoralizing, heartbreaking, stressful, and traumatic events in life is to experience a house fire. It’s common to navigate several stages of shock, hopelessness, depression, and anger along the way. It’s normal to relive the event in our minds and feel disbelief, sadness, or bitterness. Those feelings can lead us to wonder if we should have looked into a fire sprinkler system design and fire sprinkler system installation.
With fire protection installation, there are added concerns about fire sprinkler code requirements, a residential fire sprinkler system design, and fire sprinkler maintenance. Another way to bring peace of mind into your home is to practice fire safety. By learning and implementing safety tips, you can take control and be proactive in preventing house fires. Cooking is the number one cause of house fires and fire-related injuries, making it essential to keep anything that can catch fire away from the stovetop.
You can also unplug any appliances not in use on your countertop. Ensure GFCI receptacles are installed in your kitchen to prevent electrocution and shock.
It’s important to never smoke near your stovetop, disable your smoke alarm while cooking, or leave the kitchen while cooking. Also, never cook under the influence of alcohol, heavy medications that cause drowsiness, or prepare a meal while sleeping. By keeping your stovetop clean, free of dust and grease, and double-checking that everything is turned off when you are not cooking, you can be responsible and diligent in preventing fires.
Lastly, investing in a suitable fire extinguisher is a more straightforward way to have fire protection in the home in the event a fire does occur.

Your home is your sanctuary and it should be protected at all costs. But unfortunately, accidents do happen. Every homeowner should invest in fire protection, and here are some simple tips to ensure you will not have to call your local fire department.
Chefs and bakers are incredibly busy and can be distracted. Since they work with an open flame and a hot oven it is crucial to follow some fire safety rules when in your kitchen.
1. Always stand near your pot. Walking too far away from your pan can cause you to forget about it, and usually when that happens a fire becomes so large you cannot contain it.
2. Always have your pot handle face to the side. You do not want the pot or pan’s handle face outwards and parallel to the stove top because an accidental bump can result in an open flame. Not to mention burns from the hot contents spilling all over!
3. Check your oven before you preheat. There may be a hot pan with oil or stuck on food on the bottom, and if this reacts with the smallest of sparks an catastrophe can happen.
It is no secret that your heater is well, hot. A key step in fire protection is to make sure there is adequate space between the heater and other objects so they don’t rub up against it and cause a flame. This includes carpeting, curtains, blankets, people, and household furniture.
Additionally, any homeowner should have their heater maintained and checked once a season so an expert can fix any problems that may occur without you noticing.
If you have a smoker in your house, make sure they go outside and get far away from their house with their cigarette butts. A large majority of household fires occur from smoker’s neglecting and forgetting their still burning cigarettes, or cigarette sparks coming to close to the house. Prevent this by establishing smoker rules inside and outside of your home.
Invest in fire extinguisher services
In case an emergency arises, you will want to be prepared. So buy a quality fire extinguisher to ensure you have fire protection all year round. Also, make sure to get your fire extinguisher recharged and have the proper fire extinguisher inspections you need for its maintenance.
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