Pest infestations can be a serious matter. From mice or rats to moles and even squirrels, people who are facing problems with these little critters would do well to develop a rodent control plan. Many people think that they do not have to worry about pest control service until they actually see one. Nothing could be further from the truth however, and it is better to be prepared with a plan of action instead of waiting to call a pest control solutions company. As many as 15% of new homes have various forms of damage to the structure, which can include termite damage. This shows that even brand-new housing is not immune to bug and rodent problems. Here are three ways that can be useful in preventing rodents in and around your house and yard.
Take Time to Circle Your Home and Property While Checking for Holes and Cracks
Make time to go around and completely view all of the house and property, looking for places where pests might live or be coming in through. This is one of the most helpful steps in creating a rodent control plan that actually keeps them away. The pest control process involves finding out how they are getting in, so be aware of cracks, nooks, and breakage within the building. Keep in mind that vermin can get in through the garage or even take up residence in sheds and other similar places. Upon finding openings and cracks, fill them in as soon as possible. By fixing and filling them in, rodents are either trapped inside, or they are forced to find a new place to live. They won?t have access to the food and shelter from inside the confines that were previously provided to them, so that alone is a major deterrent. It is also important not to put off the process of fixing entry ways, since rodents will try to find a home in fall, before winter sets in and starts making life unbearable. Rodents repopulate quickly, with female mice producing up to 10 litters a year, with each litter containing five or six babies. Take advantage before rats or mice move in, and stop the problem before it starts.
Have Regular Landscaping and Maintenance Done on the Yard so it Does Not Become Overgrown
When yards become wooded and overgrown, it can give rats, mice and other creatures plenty of space to hide and make their move into human quarters. A rodent control plan that involves maintaining the upkeep of the yard will do a lot of good in scaring away vermin. Besides cutting down familiar places where there might choose to sleep and removing food sources, the noise and work that is being done in the yard and surrounding areas could be enough of a deterrent to scare them away. Having shorter grass will also make them easier to spot should the need for pest control service arise. When doing yard work, it is important to survey the area for any holes. Field rats are known for digging and burrowing in holes but they are not as large as most people would expect them to be.
Keep the House as Clean as Possible in Order to Notice if There Are Any Unwanted Visitors
As part of a rodent control plan, there are several household pest control tips that are helpful to follow. Regular and daily cleaning that involves dusting, sweeping, and wiping counter tops will be helpful in noticing and preventing vermin from coming in. Rats and mice will usually leave waste in the form of small pellets. Once individuals start seeing these, they will know they have a pest problem and their next call should be to an exterminator. But by keeping it clean and well-maintained, problems will be noticed before they get serious. Over 80% of homes have some form of mouse allergens, making the problem more common than previously realized.
By keeping homes clean and yards well maintained, individuals can avoid mice and rats from taking over their home. It is also important to check for cracks and seal them up, since this is a main way for vermin to enter in.