If you have heard about the possibility of radon in your home, you probably have some questions. Read on for some FAQ related to radon in your home and how to test for it and remove it.
- What is radon? Radon is an odorless, colorless gas emitted by the decay of a uranium particle. This is natural and occurs all over the world; however, in some places, there is more uranium and therefore more radon gas.
- Is Radon a problem I need to worry about? Radon gas that seeps into the air of a home or business eventually decays back into solid, charged particles. These can get into the lungs and increase the chances of a person developing lunch cancer. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Surgeon General estimate that radon is responsible for approximately 20,000 deaths each year from lung cancer. The Surgeon General warns that it is the second leading cause of lung cancer in America.
- I’ve heard that radon can come from granite countertops. Is that true? While it is technically possible, it is only in very rare cases that a granite countertop or granite tile would cause any significant rise in radon levels in a home.
- What is my general risk of radon in my home? The EPA has produced zone maps that allow you to see the general radon levels in the area where you live.
- Should I get radon testing for my home? If you live in an area of risk, it’s almost always a good idea to get testing. Based on your radon test results, you’ll be able to decide about radon mitigation and abatement service. Testing for radon is relatively simple and inexpensive, so it won’t be difficult to find out. The easiest route is usually to get a short-term test, which measures the radon levels from two days to 90 days. Based on those results, you can then order a second long0term test that will measure radon levels for more than 90 days.
- Do I need to check for radon in my water? First check for radon in the air of your home. If the air has been tested and shows a problem, and if you get your water from a nearby well, it is then worth getting a test. There must be far more radon in the water than in the air for it to cause a problem, and only about one in every 20 wells in high-risk areas have any problem.
- What should I do if I have high radon levels in my home? Radon exposure is a long-term issue, so there’s usually no reason to panic and move out immediately. Open a basement window at all times, or a bedroom window at night. Get a mitigation system installed as soon as you can. A properly installed and used mitigation system can reduce levels of radon by more than 50%
If you’re concerned over whether you have radon in your home, it’s easy to do testing for radon. Contact residential radon testing services in your area and find out if there’s anything you can do to help keep your family healthy and your home free of radon.