The foundation of your home is a very important thing. The foundation of your home supports the home, after all, and plays a key role in the structural integrity of this home. For a great many homes, a poor foundation means issues in various parts of the home. In homes with basements, shoddy foundation and the need for not completed foundation repair is something that can lead to a serious amount of flooding.
All too often, after all, basements and flooding seem to go hand in hand. Basements flood up to 98% of the time, with this level of basements in the United States experiencing some amount of flooding at some point in time. And while some people and homes will be lucky enough to get away with relatively minimal flooding, this will most certainly not be the case for everyone. Unfortunately, just about 37% of all people in the United States who own homes and have basements have experienced some level of property damage in their time as home owners. And for some people, this property damage has been quite extensive indeed. Many people find themselves having to replace family heirlooms as well, something that can most certainly take an emotional toll just as it take a financial one.
Water damage can even prove to be dangerous. For one thing, it can weaken the overall structural integrity of your home, something that can lead to issues throughout the rest of the home as well, not just in the foundation and the basement. In addition to this, mold can grow if the water damage is not dealt with and a foundation repair contractor is not hired promptly. And mold, no matter what kind it is, has been found to be quite detrimental indeed to overall human health. For far too many people, the overall consequences of mold exposure play a role in their lives – sometimes quite a prominent one.
Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to prevent such issues before they occur and to mitigate such issues if they have already happened. Hiring foundation repair contractors, for example, is one such way to go about things. Foundation repair contractors can assess the damage to the foundation in question and can then conduct a thorough foundation repair project. They can also identify the cause of the foundation damage in the first place, something that can eliminate the need for foundation repair in the future, which will save both time and money for everyone involved.
In addition to this, you can avoid the need for foundation repair in many other ways as well. For one thing, some issues with home foundation repair can be mitigated through careful gardening, something that far too many people are likely to be unaware of. Because the root systems of plants can all too easily interfere with foundation and lead to the need for home foundation repair and the aid of a foundation contractor, planting your plants at least two feet away from your foundation, if not even further, is something that most experts in the field will very highly recommend. In addition to this, making sure the roots do not go too deeply into the foundation can also play an important role in such matters, to say the very least.
The proper placement of gutters is also something that is hugely important. Improperly placed gutters can, after all, lead to serious issues within your foundation. Fortunately, this is a problem that can be avoided all through the placement of gutters that divert water at least ten feet away from the foundation in question. And while this might seem like a small step to make, it is one that can have a big impact on the quality of the foundation in question – and therefore on the quality of the overall home, for that matter.
At the end of the day, no matter what you do, foundation repair might still become necessary under a variety of situations. Fortunately, however, foundation repair that is conducted promptly and effectively will help to mitigate any further issues with your foundation. Therefore, foundation repair can save you money in the long run.