When a hailstorm moves through an area, it is important to realize that there are many times when property owners end up dealing with significant amounts of damage. From roofs…
Month: September 2019

Don’t Sacrifice The Quality Of Air In Your Home, Consider Using Low VOC Paint During Your Next Project
If you are thinking about repainting your home, there are a lot of things to plan for before you begin. One of the top considerations on your list should be…

5 Common Benefits of Odorless Paints
The color of paint and surface finishes are the major concerns for most homeowners conducting a redecoration project. But little do they think about the strong odor or smell that…
Reasons to Light up with LED
When we open our eyes in the morning we discern the physical world around us with the assistance of light. The light sources we operate and rely on daily help…

Are Your Elevators Safe?
In the United States, an estimated 900,000 elevators are in service with an average of 20,000 people using them per year. Owning a residential elevator, commercial elevator, or several elevators,…

Here are 3 Tips for First-Time Gardeners Starting a Garden
Gardening has been a popular activity in the United States for a number of years. In 2017 alone, the U.S. home and garden market was worth about $272 billion. Gardening…
Managing a Family and a Home Rarely Gets Easier
A year ago, when you were still pretty new into the blended family thing, your husband went to Michigan for a week for work. Today he begins a new job…

Applying Wood Stain? Here’s How to Do it like a Pro
Many woodwork projects receive a finish of exterior wood stain plus a protective coat of clear varnish, unless the wood is top-coated in its natural state or has been painted….