Are you ready to up your moving game? You have likely heard of tips such as labeling and color coding your boxes. However, have you heard of using socks to transport fragile glasses? In this video, you will learn some amazing tips for moving that you may have never heard of before. If you find that you still need help with moving, consider calling a local mover.
The first tip is to use vacuum pack bags. These bags are specifically designed to cut down on the amount of space that some items take up.
for example, many clothing items take up more space than needed because of the amount of air content and empty space in that bag. However, a vacuum bag solves this problem by allowing you to vacuum out the excess air. This results in a compact bag that optimizes storage space.
Another wonderful tip is to use your clean socks to protect fragile glasses and other small breakables. Simply put the sock on a glass like it is your foot. That sock will add a layer of protection. In fact, combine this by wrapping the glasses in a towel and you are golden.